All tagged recap

Recap: May 2016

One of my AMAZING friends went to Europe in May, and she offered to bring back whatever beauty bits I wanted!!! I was SO excited and the first thing I thought of was SEROZINC!!! Second on my list was my favorite sunscreen, along with a couple of new ones to try (including a tinted one). She had her eye on some Bourjois items, so I thought it would be a good time to try their Rouge Edition Velvets, which all the UK girls I watch on YouTube seem to have loved or mentioned at one point or another. 

Recap: April 2016

I used the same core group of products for April. Actually - think I've been using mostly the same products for the last couple of months, barring a few things I've been testing!!

Recap: January 2016

Since I'm not posting that often (for now), I thought I would try to incorporate an end of month post, where I recap bits and pieces that might otherwise not get mentioned (or not mentioned for awhile) - or hey, maybe just stuff I want to let you know about!!

Recap: May 2015

Thought I'd start doing a monthly recap to let you know what's been going on in beauty and general life! Not sure if I'll get to it every month, but thought May was a good time to start since there were some products I tried that won't get their own proper review post (or it won't come for a bit) and I wanted to mention them somewhere.